(800) 397-5754

    6142 Crater Lake Ave,
    Central Point, OR 97502.
    Garage Door Safety Checklist: What Should You Look For?

    17308810_sThis is the perfect time of year to educate yourself on how to maintain your home’s garage door to make sure operates smoothly and safely. Look for the following signs of wear, and if you see them, contact a door system technician to come in for an inspection:
    • Look at garage door springs, cables, rollers, pulleys and other hardware for caked or crusted dirt or grime, oily residue, and signs of wear.
    • Test the reversing mechanism on your garage door on a regular basis. Make sure that an obstruction that blocks the door as it’s closing will make the door reverse. If it hesitates, or continues to close – this is a safety hazard. Leave the door closed and call a door system technician for repair.
    • Test the balance of your garage door regularly as well. Close the door, disconnect the operator, and then lift the door. The door should lift smoothly with little resistance and remain open; if it doesn’t, it’s in need of professional adjustment.
    • Test the force setting of your door at least a couple of times a year. Stand outside the path of your door and close it, then – as it closes, try to hold the door and stop it from moving. The door should easily reverse. If it doesn’t and you can’t stop it from closing, it needs professional adjustment.

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