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    6142 Crater Lake Ave,
    Central Point, OR 97502.
    3 Benefits Of Having Remote Garage Door Opener

    30876319_sNow that the first day of fall is upon us, the weather will start to turn cool and the rains and winds will soon follow. This can mean that the trip from the driveway into the house will be wet, slippery, and difficult. Imagine trying to wrangle all of the kids into the house during a fall storm while you’ve got your arms full of groceries or take-home work.

    This is where having a garage with a remote opener comes in handy. Arriving at home after a long day, and using your remote garage door opener to drive right into the secure and sheltered garage can be a life-saver during these several months of cooler weather that we have ahead of us.

    Here are some other benefits to having a remote garage door opener:

    • Essentially, your garage door is a point of access to your home. However, when it is an automatic rather than manual garage door, only someone with your remote garage door opener can access your home. This means added security and safety for you and your family. Anything that your store in the garage is also protected when you have a remote opener rather than a manual garage door. You can feel secure to leave keepsakes, electronics, and tools in your garage without worry of them being accessed.
    • Budget-friendly. Remote garage doors run gamut as far as sophistication and pricing. There is a remote garage door for every budget. The one thing they all have in common though, is that they only open when you or someone you have given it to have the remote garage door opener. The small investment is worth the peace of mind.
    • As we move into the rainy and cold fall weather, any trips home and into the house are going to be made much easier with a remote garage door opener. Bringing in sports equipment, groceries, baby seats and accessories, or even luggage after a trip away will all get into the house without getting wet when you come into the house through the garage.

    If you don’t currently have a remote garage door, this is a good time of year to start researching your options. If you do have one, schedule a maintenance appointment to make sure that your garage door and remote openers are all working properly before the fall weather arrives.

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