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    Tips For Decorating Your Garage Door For The Holidays

    15579510_sDecorating the outside of your home for the holidays is a fun and festive way to add holiday ambiance to the neighborhood. Whether you do something simple like add a wreath to the front door, or you go all out and install a complete light display that flashing to the beat of your favorite holiday song, your family and your neighbors are sure to enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

    If you haven’t already planned on it, why not add your garage door to the decorating plan? It is the perfect canvas for a big range of decorating opportunities. In fact, here are some ideas for ways that you can decorate your garage door this holiday season:

    • Wrap it. An easy and fun idea for your holiday decorating is to wrap your garage door like it is a present. A simple bow could be added to the front, or you could go all out and affix wrapping paper to the front of it. This works great for barn-style garage doors or, those that don’t open on a runner.
    • Light it up. Most garage doors are surrounded by a wooden trim. Adding a strand of lights to this trim is an easy way to spruce up your garage door without worrying about impeding the function of it. Plus, if your garage door is only for car and truck use (not RV entry), you don’t even need a ladder to install the lights, just a simple step stool.
    • Paint it. Depending on the material that your garage door is made from, and how artistic you are, you could add a painted mural to your garage door. This could be done on a large piece of paper that is adhered to the door or, even directly on the door with washable paints. You might even invite your children to participate and make it a fun family tradition.
    • If you are looking to add some simple elegance to your garage door, holiday-themed wreaths are always a good choice. Those with a nice mixture of green and red foliage make a lasting impression for anyone who sees them.

    If none of these seem like a fitting option, or if you’re renting your home and are looking for something easy and removable, consider shopping for holiday-themed magnets or decals. These are a great way to add some impressive looking decoration that is easily removed and stored for future use.

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