(800) 397-5754

    6142 Crater Lake Ave,
    Central Point, OR 97502.
    We Have 24-Hour Emergency Garage Door Service Because – Sometimes – Garage Doors Are an Emergency!

    14318375_sEveryone understands why plumbers have 24-hour emergency services available, but – a 24-hour emergency service for – your garage door? Seriously? Yes, seriously, and we’re not joking! You would be surprised how important emergency garage door service is when your garage door isn’t working! Want proof? From our files, some of our favorite calls:
    • An SOU professor who lived in Talent was scheduled to give a presentation to one of the larger lecture classes on campus; approximately 125+ students. The professor couldn’t get his garage door open, so he couldn’t get his car out. The lecture didn’t have to be cancelled; we got him out and to class only 35 minutes late!
    • A family went out for pizza, came home, but instead of opening, the garage door stayed put. Not noticing, the father drove into the garage door, ensuring that it really wouldn’t open. Then it was discovered that – no one had a key to the front door. Everyone always came in through the garage. The pizza wasn’t quite cold by the time we got the door open for them!
    • Coming home from work, a woman drove her car into the garage. The garage door had been acting up, but she hadn’t paid attention. She misjudged the distance and the tail end of her car was still sticking out when she pressed the button for the garage door to close. The door closed, but the photo-sensor didn’t register the tail of her car sticking out, and simply closed on the trunk of her car – hard. The car was effectively pinned under her garage door until we were able to get her out – within two hours! She is now on our biannual garage inspection schedule, after we installed a brand new garage door for her! (we weren’t able to fix her car, though)

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