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    6142 Crater Lake Ave,
    Central Point, OR 97502.
    Garage Door Safety

    34463361_sHaving a garage can be a lifesaver. The extra storage helps to keep your home clear of clutter and things are still easily accessible year around. Pulling the Christmas ornaments out of an attic can be dirty and inconvenient but, picking the plastic tubs marked “Christmas” from the garage shelves is easy and quick.

    But, garage doors can actually pose serious safety concerns for many homeowners, especially those with small children. Here are some safety recommendations to keep you and your loved ones safe around the garage door:

    Keep the garage door opener away from small children. Kids are fascinated by pushing buttons and if they get ahold of garage door opener they could open and close the garage door on themselves or their siblings.

    The garage door remote is not a toy. Do not let your children play with the garage door remote even if you are not within range of your home. If they get into the habit of playing with it, they may find it while you are focused elsewhere and get hurt opening and closing it.

    Read the instruction manual and make sure that you and all other adults in the house know how to use the emergency release feature. This function is designed to release the garage door even if the remote is misplaced or not working.

    Take a few minutes each month to inspect your garage door. Look to make sure it is running smoothly on the guide and there aren’t any bends or blockages. Also, check the springs and rollers to make sure there are no signs of wear.

    Test the garage door remotes on a monthly basis. Make sure they open in reverse as well. This will ensure that if there is an obstacle in the way of the garage door it will open immediately. Stay mindful of the last time that the batteries were replaced in the remote opener. Also, if the opener is more than ten years old, consider getting a new one as the button engagements can wear down and slow their reaction time.

    Use good judgment when using your garage door when children are present. Do not take shortcuts with the garage door that might be unsafe as they might try to imitate you in future.

    Your garage door is a heavy piece of equipment and could be considered an appliance for all intents and purposes. Treat it with respect and make sure that everyone in your house knows the best practices for keeping safe around the garage door.


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